How to connect Upstox Broker with EzwebApp?


(i) Step 1: TOTP setup:

Setup TOTP for your Upstox account. (Upstox has made TOTP compulsory)

TOTP setup instructions: Please Click Here Get Details Instruction for TOTP Setup for Upstox

(ii) Step 2: EzWebApp Broker Setup:

Go to the EzWebApp Broker Setup page, click on Setup under the Upstox logo, In popup add your Upstox User id You will see the Redirect URL which will later have to be pasted in Upstox developer portal.

(iii) Step 3: API activation:

1. Login to your Upstox Broker :

2. Click on + New app to create a new API app.

3. Enter an App name (any random name).

4. Copy the redirect URL from the EzwebApp broker setup popup (mentioned in Step 2) and paste it on the new app page in the Redirect URL text box on the Upstox developer portal, you can leave postback url text box or you can paste same url as Redirect URL, on the Create new app page.

5. Give a random Description.

6. Click the Continue Button.

7. On the next page, you will see the API key and API secret.

8. Copy the API key and paste it under the API key text box on the EzWebApp broker setup popup, and copy the API Secret and paste it under the API secret text box on the broker setup popup.

9. Once the API key and API secret are pasted on the Broker Setup Popup, click SAVE

10. Go to the Broker page of EzwebApp, you will see a login button on right side of page. Click on Login. If the setup has been done correctly, you should be able to see a confirmation that you have logged in.

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